Improve your web site performance with Radview!

August 11, 2016

As well as being a leading provider of CRM solutions, SeeLogic is also partner to the leading performance testing provider Radview.

Their product WebLOAD makes it easy to simulate thousands of virtual users. You can use it to perform website load testing and generate massive user load with WebLOAD’s extensive set of features and support of web technologies. Moreover, you can use on premises machines or generate load from the cloud, with WebLOAD managing the distribution of scripts and parameters and collecting data from multiple machines.

Using goal oriented testing, you can define any specific performance goal for your website, such as a 2 second response time goal, so that WebLOAD runs your scenario around that goal, gradually increasing the load till your goal is met.

If you would like to learn more about Radview and their WebLOAD, and you would like to capitalise on your web site, please contact us!